Rewatching Love: Our Valentine's Movie Recommendations

With Valentine’s Day just around the corner, we have compiled a list of our partners’ favorite movies. From lighthearted rom-coms and family movies to more serious psychological thrillers, this movie list caters to different stages of any relationship.

Honorable Mentions:

  • The Wedding Singer (Dir. Frank Coraci)
  • 500 Days of Summer (Dir. Marc Webb)
  • Hello Love Goodbye. (Dir. Cathy Garcia-Molina)
  • Sana Maulit Muli (Dir. Olivia Lamasan)
  • Never Not Love You (Dir. Antoinette Jadaone)
  • Eat, Pray, Love. (Dir. Ryan Murphy)
  • You've Got Mail (Dir. Nora Ephron)
  • Notting Hill (Dir. Roger Michell)
  • Serendipity (Dir. Peter Chelsom)
  • The Notebook (Dir. Nick Cassavetes)
  • She's All That (Dir. Robert Iscove)

Olivia Lamasan — Got 2 Believe (2002)

John Lazatin — Forevermore (2002)  

"I like these two movies [Forevermore and Got 2 Believe], because they were my favorite romantic films growing up. I can watch them over and over again because of the nostalgic feels I get from them. These movies have simple storylines but are timeless and pure kilig! To top it all of, they star the OG love-teams of the 90's to early 2000's."

- Janine Chiong, HABI Lifestyle


Disney — The Little Mermaid (1989)

"Ah yes, 'cause nothing inspires romance than literally losing your voice for the sake of gaining the attention of a man who so easily fell for the spell of an evil witch anyway who used said voice to lure him away."

Teena Ramos, Matanera Trading

Rob Marshall — Memoirs of a Geisha (2005)

"I know this is more historical fiction, but please HEAR ME OUT! I don't wanna spoil it for those who haven't watched it (or read the novel) yet, but let's just say that Sayuri does EVERYTHING she does for love. Geisha doing what they do because they have no choice? Far from it - they know what they want and they have the power - set across the backdrop of prewar Japanese elegance - to do it. Worth a watch each and every time."

Allister Chua, Iroseh Trading

Michel Gondry — Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (2004)

"If you’re the kind of person who wants to cry this Valentine’s Day to the point of numbness, this movie is perfect for you. This film explores the dynamics of relationships— on how they develop and grow, wither and die, and on how love can manifest itself as transcendent. Carey’s performance brings a degree of vulnerability to the film you would otherwise not expect from him."

Dexter Yu, Wholly Grain

Nancy Meyers — The Holiday (2006)

"It's wishing you could do the same home-swap with someone from the other end of the world and spend 2 weeks forgetting, exploring and finding yourself."

Marou Eduarte, Comono Products

And if you're looking for a snack to munch on while watching these movies, why not check our Valentine's collection HERE?

From bean-to-bar chocolates to popped sorghum, we can help make your Valentine's movie night a bit more memorable.